Resistance to high temperature
Temperature in Qatar's summer can rise to 50°C, posing a grave challenge to battery. How does Yutong's battery handle this blistering heat? Yutong's YEA protection system conducts 24h continuous monitoring on nitrogen concentration to keep the battery in an oxygen-free environment, eliminating any combustion risk from the root.

Battery of the bus comes with a dynamic liquid cooling system which can ensure that the battery temperature is within the proper range even though the external temperature is 55°C. Meanwhile, high integration of eight major functions including motor and power distribution, etc., besides improving system efficiency (up to 99.5%), also brings better riding experience.

Resistance to severe cold
Freezing cold with temperature as low as -40℃ in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan means difficulty in starting up and battery attenuation for electric bus. This presents no problem for Yutong electric bus which can be started at first attempt after being parked for 8 hours at a temperature of -40℃. Battery also decays much slower after constant exposing to freezing cold. After 3 years/200,000 kilometers of operation, Yutong electric bus can still retain 90% of its original driving range.

For other highlights, Yutong bus can navigate icy and snowy roads, be it straightforward driving or turning. Low temperature heat pump technology can raise bus interior temperature to over 20°C within just 20 minutes without compromising driving range.

Cope with waterlogging
Protection rating of Yutong electric bus battery is IP69, which means that the battery will not suffer water ingress after 72 hours of immersion in 2-meter deep water. That gives Yutong electric bus the ability to drive through waterlogged area safely.
Relying on the system efficiency improvement brought by the high integration, safety and reliability of multi-in-one power domain controller, the energy consumption of Yutong electric bus is reduced by 5%. Each KWh of electricity is thus utilized to its fullest extent to enable the vehicle travel farther.

Thanks to all these technologies integrated on YEA platform, Yutong electric bus is able to navigate an array of tough conditions. With the support of big data collected from 170,000 vehicles travelling a total distance of 36 billion kilometers, YEA platform will be iteratively upgraded to meet the operational needs in more complex scenarios, so as to promote green public mobility.