Busworld Kortrijk, the world famous event for the bus and coach industry, opened on October 20, 2011. Yutong products were also presented at the Exhibition. Good to know, the Busworld daily newspaper published an article about Yutong on the page 2 on October 22. The following words are the excerption from the article.

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The article about Yutong on the Busworld daily newspaper
Yutong conquers Europa
The Chinese bus constructor Yutong, by far the biggest in the world with a capacity of more than 60,000 units per year, is the first company that has managed to realize a pan-European import. For Northern Europe the import is in the hands of Eurobus, a company from Iceland. For Western Europe the De Dietrich group from France will act as importer. This group already imports the Temsa buses and touring cars – which are mostly equipped with DAF engines – for the French market, seeing that De Dietrich owns a number of DAF dealerships as well.
It stands beyond doubt that De Dietrich will be distributing the Yutong buses and touring cars in France and the Benelux countries, and a number of other Western European countries are very likely to follow. Nothing has been decided yet however with regards to the powertrain. DAF would be possible here as well, but De Dietrich might also attempt to release the Yutong buses and touring cars on the market with a Chinese engine.
Next to importers in Northern and Western Europe, Yutong already has some importers in Central and Eastern Europe as well. Report has it that they are planning on building an own assembly plant in this part of Europe.